Long term, trusted

Roc Partners is a specialist private markets investment manager.

01 /     approach

We know that achieving strong results in private markets takes deep experience, sector insights and strong relationships. But it’s our vision of what’s possible, our ability to solve complex challenges and our steadfast commitment to people and purpose that’s critical in unlocking the value in opportunities. This is what sets us apart as a pioneer in private markets.

02 /     capabilities

Our investment strategies cover the full spectrum of private markets. We manage over $9.3 billion across private equity, private credit and real assets. Our private equity strategies include funds, secondaries, co-investments and direct investments.

03 /     investment solutions

Our investment products are developed to capitalise on the most attractive private market opportunities whilst also meeting the needs of our clients. Our current product solutions include separately managed accounts, commingled funds and a Significant Investor Visa (“SIV”) compliant fund.

04 /     ResponsibilE investing

We are passionate advocates of sustainable and responsible investing. We take an active management approach to responsible investing including extensive due diligence followed by ongoing monitoring, support and engagement.

Sydney Australia

Responsibly growing the assets entrusted to us since 1996.

The heritage of our firm stretches back more than two decades and spans the Asia-Pacific region. Our team has grown to more than 60 specialists based in Sydney, Melbourne, Shanghai and Hong Kong.

Contact us

If you're a sophisticated investor, a business seeking capital or a business adviser with an opportunity you would like to discuss, please contact our team today.

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Hive and Wellness Group


Investment Year



The Local Broadband Network Company (LBNCo) is an installer and owner of superfast broadband networks in residential developments. LBNCo is engaged by property developers to install and maintain the fibre infrastructure, and sells ‘wholesale’ network acces to the retail service providers who then provide services to the tenants. LBNCo is now part of Uniti Group (ASX: UWL) following its acquisition in August 2019.

Stone Axe Pastoral


Investment Year


Stone Axe is a producer of ultra-premium wagyu beef. The company has operations in NSW, QLD, WA and Victoria and is actively growing its herd via large scale embryto transfer program. Stone Axe has rapidly grown to become on of the largest fool blood wagyu producers in the world.